("Ekzamen", version 2, 14.07.2024, 02:00:26)
This program was developed by order of the administration of the institute where I work. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond my control and the management, this program was never implemented into everyday practice. As a result, after two years of waiting, I decided to post it on this site so that someone else could use the results of my work: I don’t like it when work is wasted.
The program has an interface in three languages (Russian, Azerbaijani, English), the exam can also be taken in any of these languages (three sectors of study). The program interface (including help) was translated from Russian by professionals.
What is the point of the program? We are talking about an exam according to the old system, this is NOT testing! There is a set of specialties and sectors of study, and in different sectors the specialties can be different. In each specialty there is a text file with a set of questions. During the exam, each examinee receives his own set of questions from this database, the questions are selected randomly. The text of the ticket is displayed on the screen in the program window, and is also automatically sent to the printer specified in the settings file.
As an example of the program's operation, this site contains an archive of questions ("examedat.zip", size 11472 bytes) for all three sectors in 4 fictitious specialties of a fictitious institute. You can download this archive and test the program. Since there is no control over the answers to the questions (the exam is taken by a competent commission personally), you can come up with your own answers to the questions and use this program not only for real training, but also (in this example) for entertainment. The questions are interesting!
The example questions are originally written in Russian, translations into Azerbaijani and English are done using an online translator.
Since the program has a specific application, it is distributed on a shareware basis. If you plan to use this program on a regular basis, you must register it. The registration conditions are specified in the help file, which is called from the program menu.
The program is distributed as an archive ("ekzamen.zip", size 33013 bytes), does not require installation, but before launching it, you must also unpack the archive with the example and, when launching it for the first time, specify the path to the questions folder in the program settings.
The author hopes that the program will find its application and will serve to improve the level of education of the population.