This section contains the author's programs, which are either can be used purely in the scientific field, or developed on a scientific basis. Other programs you can download at another website in the section "Computer's Utilities".

  1. Program "WMESTE" (version 7)
    Compatibility test of persons (freeware).

  2. Program "OCIMAN" (version 7)
    Programs for manual digitizing maps and diagrams (trial).

  3. Program "KORSTOL" (version 2)
    Program for correction of data columns (freeware).

  4. Program "GRADAT" (version 7)
    Program for automatic digitizing maps (trial).

  5. Program "GEO2UTM" (version 2)
    Program for convert of geographical coordinates to UTM (freeware).

  6. Program "BAZATOM" (version 1)
    Program to manage a database of contacts (freeware).

  7. Program "EKZAMEN" (version 2)
    Program for conducting an exam on tickets (shareware).