In this section are described in detail my official scientific work and my personal research activities. You can also see my detailed resume.
I was educated as a "chemical engineer", then two years studied in postgraduate study majoring in "Kinetics and Catalysis". But I worked in the specialty a few years, and after the collapse of the USSR was forced to change the profile of activities.
Even during the study at the university, I began writing a programs. At first for programmable calculators, and then for personal computers.
When I retired from the chemical postgraduate, I couldn't find jobs in their field, but managed to find jobs as a programmer. It was one specific task - to create a program of optimal cutting freeform piece of material into individual also freeform elements. Nonstandard task required nonstandard solutions. That time the spread of personal computers was just beginning and their capabilities were extremely low. This restriction was causing to intensive search the optimizing options.
The result was a program that performs the work in a reasonable time, but not always get the optimal result. Unfortunately, the work was interrupted because of the termination of funding, although the current level of development of computer technology allows significantly complicate the algorithms and fundamentally improve the results of optimal cutting tissue.
You can see some details of created optimal cutting program.
The next short phase of work was in Baku Scientific and Training Centre, where were several databases and accounting software material flow created. This work wasn't scientific and interesting, however, allowed to accumulate some stock of useful libraries and tools that are very useful in subsequent work.
Then I went to work at the Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, where I still working as a programer in different areas of geological science.
The first time I participated in the development of graphical database on reservoir properties of rocks. The work was conducted on the first models of personal computers, but even on their weaknesses opportunities were created interesting and useful products.
The next few years I worked in the group of experts to create the method for determining petrophysical properties of rock samples based on images obtained by scanning electron microscopy.
As result was created a program that allows you automatically carry out such an analysis on the basis of a set of SEM-images. It should be noted that we have created a method of analysis that has no analogues in the world, because all the programs use the semi-automatic mode, when the program only offers options, and the decision takes a human.
But our program determines all the required characteristics of the sample the optimal way in a fully autonomous mode.
The results of the program's working used by a number of our and foreign oil companies. To learn more about the possibilities of this method and its application in geology, please visit "Petrophysical SEM image analysis".
The developed method of image analysis based on non-standard methods of image recognition can be applied not only in geology, but also in other fields (medicine, astronomy, metallurgy, etc.).
This matter is also discussed in the article "Image Analysis: human or computer?".
Some time there were researches to analyze 24-bit color images, which could even more extend the scope of this method. But the works were suspended because of the lack of support from management.
Currently I involved in creation of geological database for modeling the Caspian Sea basin. Although the main work is conducted by employees on the purchased branded simulation programs, it is often necessary to develop algorithms and write various service maintenance programs in the process.
I also have some interesting developments in the field of mathematics, but my hands have not yet reached publication in scientific journals, and I don’t want to publish on my sites, because this is not an official publication. As an example, I will cite an article in the materials of the TUSUR conference.
Along with scientific work, I wrote a lot of different computer programs of general purpose, ranging from text editors and ending with a programming language, which was used by the employees of our institute. List of programs for wide use can be found on another website in the "Useful utilities" section.
In addition to official research and application programming, I working a lot in psychology, sociology and philosophy. For many years I have written a number of articles that have been published on the scientific sites too. These articles you can read on this site in the "Articles" section. You can also use my "Scientific programs", one of which ("compatibility test of people") has no analogues by the idea and result.
Many years I also creating websites. This is my own projects mainly, but I have experience in creating and maintaining some extraneous websites. All of them created by me, but design is not always mine. More information and samples of created websites you can find at "Webmaster's portfolio".