(На русском: Астрономия на 2026 г.)

On this page you can find some astronomical information, valid for 2026. All calculations were performed for zero time zone (GMT), you have to recalculate to your local time the data you need.

			Difference from GMT (in hours):  0

date: 20	month: 12	year: 2025	hours: 1	minutes: 43
date: 18	month: 1	year: 2026	hours: 19	minutes: 53
date: 17	month: 2	year: 2026	hours: 12	minutes: 3
date: 19	month: 3	year: 2026	hours: 1	minutes: 27
date: 17	month: 4	year: 2026	hours: 11	minutes: 55
date: 16	month: 5	year: 2026	hours: 20	minutes: 4
date: 15	month: 6	year: 2026	hours: 2	minutes: 56
date: 14	month: 7	year: 2026	hours: 9	minutes: 45
date: 12	month: 8	year: 2026	hours: 17	minutes: 37
date: 11	month: 9	year: 2026	hours: 3	minutes: 26
date: 10	month: 10	year: 2026	hours: 15	minutes: 49
date: 9		month: 11	year: 2026	hours: 7	minutes: 1
date: 9		month: 12	year: 2026	hours: 0	minutes: 52

date: 3		month: 1	year: 2026	hours: 10	minutes: 4
date: 1		month: 2	year: 2026	hours: 22	minutes: 11
date: 3		month: 3	year: 2026	hours: 11	minutes: 40
date: 2		month: 4	year: 2026	hours: 2	minutes: 13
date: 1		month: 5	year: 2026	hours: 17	minutes: 25
date: 31	month: 5	year: 2026	hours: 8	minutes: 46
date: 29	month: 6	year: 2026	hours: 23	minutes: 57
date: 29	month: 7	year: 2026	hours: 14	minutes: 36
date: 28	month: 8	year: 2026	hours: 4	minutes: 19
date: 26	month: 9	year: 2026	hours: 16	minutes: 49
date: 26	month: 10	year: 2026	hours: 4	minutes: 12
date: 24	month: 11	year: 2026	hours: 14	minutes: 54
date: 24	month: 12	year: 2026	hours: 1	minutes: 30

date: 17	month: 2	year: 2026	hours: 12	minutes: 14
	observed in the southern hemisphere
	central  ring  0
date: 19	month: 3	year: 2026	hours: 1	minutes: 7
	not observed
date: 12	month: 8	year: 2026	hours: 17	minutes: 49
	observed in the northern hemisphere
	central  full  0

date: 3		month: 3	year: 2026	hours: 11	minutes: 38
	phase for the penumbra: 2.180983
	phase for the shade: 1.182267
	half cycle for a full phase (in minutes): 28
	half cycle for a particular phase (in minutes): 102
date: 28	month: 8	year: 2026	hours: 4	minutes: 11
	phase for the penumbra: 1.970232
	phase for the shade: .9715163
	half cycle for a particular phase (in minutes): 98

date: 20	month: 3	year: 2026	hours: 14	minutes: 41
date: 21	month: 6	year: 2026	hours: 8	minutes: 24
date: 23	month: 9	year: 2026	hours: 0	minutes: 14
date: 21	month: 12	year: 2026	hours: 20	minutes: 54

ORTHODOX EASTER		date: 12	month: 4
CATHOLIC EASTER		date: 5		month: 4