The theory of biorhythms (calculate your biorhythms!) First appeared in the early 20th century, although before people noticed the cyclical natural processes in general, and human physiology in particular . According to this theory, since the birth of the person in his body started three rhythms that remain with him throughout life. It is the physical, emotional and intellectual rhythms with periods, respectively, 23, 28 and 33 days.
Thus, the physical, emotional and intellectual condition of the person (including his ability in these areas) cyclically changing, passing through moments of highs and lows. However, contrary to expectations, in this theory, the most dangerous are not minima of the function, as it transitions through zero, ie change of sign. These days are considered "critical".
If some day physical (for example) the rhythm passes through zero, the human condition can be unstable if intelligent - it can be hard to think. However, the single "zero" does not represent a special hazard. Much worse, when one day the two pass through zero, or worse, all three jet lag. These are not easy days are considered unfavorable, and frankly dangerous to the person.
This theory was very popular at the time, on this basis, and based on the calculated rhythms of some "business" people to make a plan of its activities (especially - the days of the conclusion of transactions), and the students tried to justify the failure of the examination and control, some companies and institutions seriously followed these calculations in their work.
As stated statistics, critical for the individual days actually increased the likelihood of getting into an accident, committed serious errors in the work, emotional ups and even suicide attempts. It is possible that this theory actually works, but...
After some time, at the peak of its popularity, there were "corrective" ideas. For example, the published values of other periods, or rather, more accurate - fractional - their values. And if so, then the calculations become necessary to consider not only the date of birth of the person, but also the time to within seconds.
This in itself is not surprising, because the integers in nature is rare. But in practice it carried a big problem, since the time of his birth (and even with such precision) almost no one knows. And what about the old statistics, which was considered for the integers and like confirmed?
Another controversial issue is the start of the run biorhythms. Where is the starting point - the birth or conception? And if the day of birth (and sometimes during) each person known reliably, the day of his conception is usually no one knows...
But despite all these subtleties controversial theory of biorhythms was and even now is convincing enough. Fractional periods, perhaps, yet not true, because the life of man is linked to the circadian rhythms of nature and therefore are likely to own rhythms and human multiples of days. Further, the count should be the same all the time of birth, because the fetus in the womb is not an independent body and actually lives in his mother's biorhythms. And only with the "shutdown" of the umbilical cord gets full independence. First breath - a signal to start.
In itself, the cyclical variation of the human condition has long been known from the daily mood swings, activity and sleep states to women's monthly cycles of reproduction. In general, all nature is cyclic, so the presence of these biorhythms looks real. The only question in their nature and in the exact values of the periods, as well as how these values are in fact universal (for that person).
As for the nature of biorhythms, then there is nothing to doubt: the three parts of man - body, senses and mind, give rise to three rhythm - physical, emotional and intellectual. But the value of their periods, generally speaking, not justified. If 28 days for the emotional cycle can be somehow tied to the phases of the moon (which, they say, and really affects the mood of the people), why physical and intellectual differ exactly 5 days in both directions - this theory does not explain. Not to mention the fact that 28 days for the moon - not the exact value...
However, the theory exists and no one has ever denied. And if so - so it is possible (and it is possible that even necessary) to use it in everyday life, if not in all seriousness, that the principle of "what if?". As horoscopes. Nobody in them seriously believe, but all a joy to read horoscopes in newspapers... What if it's true? Just in case...